Day 8 of our De-Stress Challenge: Embrace the Digital Detox! 

I’m running a de-stress challenge during the entire month of April over in my wellness community. I think today’s is super powerful and wanted to share it over here.

Today, we’re stepping away from the screens and reclaiming our time for what truly matters. It’s Day 8 of our challenge, and your task is to have a digital detox day—limit your screen time to only essential tasks.

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media updates, taking a break from our screens can be incredibly refreshing and rejuvenating. By disconnecting from the digital noise, we create space for deeper connections, meaningful experiences, and inner peace.

So today, let’s prioritize real-life interactions, engage in activities that nourish our souls, and savor moments of quietude and reflection. Whether you spend time outdoors, enjoy a leisurely meal with loved ones, or dive into a favorite hobby, let today be a reminder of the beauty and richness of the offline world.

Remember, it’s okay to unplug and recharge. Your well-being is worth it.

Share your digital detox experiences and insights with us in the comments below, and let’s inspire each other to find balance in our relationship with technology! 🌿💫 #DeStressChallenge #DigitalDetox #UnplugAndRecharge #MindfulLiving

If you want to participate in the whole challenge make sure you join the wellness community ->

Collagen is for everyone!

I have experienced pain for yearsssss. I just attributed it to being a cheerleader for 8 years and accepted that it was just part of my life. That’s wild. Why do we just accept that we are going to live with pain when we could live pain free? 🤔

I have had to use a heating pad on my lower back just about every single night for as long as I can remember. The moment I lie down I feel an explosion of pain in my lower back.

Until a few weeks ago… I noticed recently that I haven’t needed my heating pad in several weeks. The lower back pain is basically gone. I actually could not believe it. I drink the highest quality, cleanest, most effective collagen I have found every day, I never miss a day, and holy moly am I reaping the benefits. 😍🙌

When my husband, Chris, learned that taking the collagen everyday significantly improved the lower back pain I have had for YEARS, he started taking it to help with his pain from being an athlete and ultra runner. Collagen is for everyone, not just women!

So let’s dive deeper into collagen… Widely recognized for its potential benefits, collagen is hailed as a cornerstone for skin health, joint support, and more.

  1. Skin Health and Elasticity: Collagen is a vital protein that forms the structural foundation of your skin, providing it with strength, elasticity, and resilience. As we age, the production of collagen naturally declines, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. By supplementing with collagen, you can help replenish lost stores and support your skin’s elasticity, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant complexion. Clinical studies have shown promising results, with participants experiencing improvements in skin hydration, elasticity, and overall appearance.
  2. Joint Support and Mobility: Beyond its role in skin health, collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of your joints and connective tissues. Cartilage, the flexible tissue that cushions your joints, is primarily composed of collagen. By supplementing with collagen, you can support joint health and mobility, potentially reducing discomfort associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis. Research suggests that collagen supplementation may help alleviate joint pain, increase flexibility, and support overall joint function, allowing individuals to maintain an active lifestyle as they age.
  3. Hair and Nail Strength: In addition to benefiting the skin and joints, collagen can also promote the health and strength of your hair and nails. As essential building blocks of these structures, collagen peptides provide the necessary support for strong, lustrous hair and healthy, resilient nails. By incorporating collagen into your daily routine, you may notice improvements in hair texture, thickness, and shine, as well as enhanced nail growth and durability.
  4. Gut Health and Digestion: The health of your gut lining plays a crucial role in overall digestive function and nutrient absorption. Collagen contains amino acids such as glycine, proline, and glutamine, which are known to support gut health and integrity. By fortifying the gut lining, collagen may help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote optimal nutrient absorption. Additionally, collagen peptides have been shown to support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, further enhancing digestive wellness.
  5. Muscle Mass and Recovery: Collagen is not only beneficial for skin, joints, and connective tissues but also plays a role in supporting muscle health and recovery. As a key component of muscle tissue, collagen provides structural support and helps maintain muscle strength and function. Supplementing with collagen post-exercise may aid in muscle recovery, reduce exercise-induced inflammation, and support the growth and repair of muscle fibers, ultimately enhancing athletic performance and recovery.

But, not all collagen is created equal. If it’s not organic you’re risking pesticide/herbicide contamination. If it’s not third party tested you’re risking heavy metal contamination. Additionally the collagen I have chosen has added CBG in it (nothing else on the market like this) which is giving increased benefits such as:

  1. Neuroprotective Properties: Some studies indicate that CBG may have neuroprotective properties, potentially making it useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: CBG has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory agent in preclinical studies. This suggests it could be helpful in managing conditions characterized by inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.
  3. Antibacterial Properties: Research has shown that CBG has antibacterial properties, particularly against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. This could make it a valuable tool in fighting bacterial infections.
  4. Glaucoma Treatment: Some studies suggest that CBG may help reduce intraocular pressure, making it a potential treatment for glaucoma.
  5. Appetite Stimulation: Like THC, CBG may stimulate appetite, which could be beneficial for individuals experiencing appetite loss due to medical conditions or treatments like chemotherapy.
  6. Potential Cancer Treatment: Early research indicates that CBG may inhibit the growth of cancer cells, particularly in certain types of cancer such as colon cancer. However, more research is needed in this area.
  7. Mood Enhancement: While not as well-studied as other cannabinoids like THC and CBD, some anecdotal evidence suggests that CBG may have mood-enhancing effects.

If you want to learn more about the only collagen I would use or recommend, watch this video

You can grab yours here for $10 off

And you can find me over in my wellness community for any additional support, info, help, etc!

Slay your Sleep Struggles

Safe Swaps for Melatonin

I have always struggled with sleep. So, I’ve tried A LOT of safe sleep aid products.

I have a really hard time turning my brain off at night so it takes me a LONG time to fall asleep. I’m also a light sleeper, so little things wake me, and then I have trouble falling back asleep. I’ve been learning about the importance of sleep lately and the effects sleep deprivation have on your daily life and it’s pretty scary. The more “sleep debt” you have, the less executive function you have during the day. This means it’s harder to make decisions, think, and function as a human… Lack of sleep can even increase your risk of dying earlier than those who get enough sleep. Sleep is truly not something to be taken lightly. But, neither are the long term side effects of Melatonin. Despite my very serious sleep struggles, I would not touch melatonin. So, what are some safe alternatives? I’m glad you asked!

What I’ve used for the kids and/or myself:

Lavender Essential Oil – rolled on bottom of feet and/or back of neck

Earthley’s Sleepy Time Tincture – dropped in mouth

Earthley’s Goodnight Lotion – rubbed on tummy and legs

Organic Tart Cherry Juice – consumed during the day

Epsom Salt baths before bed – in bath

Green Compass Sleep Boost – taken orally

Green Compass Sleep Jellies – consumed before bed (would recommend for age 2+ starting with 1/4 jelly)

Green Compass Full Spectrum Nano Jellies – consumed before bed (would recommend for age 5+ starting with 1/4 jelly)

My thoughts/experiences:

Lavender oil used on Willow – Noticed no improvement

Earthley’s Sleepy Time Tincture – Noticed no improvement for Willow. Helps me fall and stay asleep a little bit. Helps Adeline fall and stay asleep as far as I can tell.

Eathley’s Goodnight Lotion – Noticed no improvement for Willow. Adeline loves it. Does nothing for me.

Organic Tart Cherry Juice – Noticed no improvement for Willow.

Epsom Salt baths before bed – Noticed no improvement for sleeping but does help calm both kids and make bedtime routine easier.

Green Compass Sleep Boost – Helps me fall and stay asleep more than the Earthly tincture but not as well as the jellies.

Green Compass Sleep Jellies – These work amazingly. They are my favorite thing I’ve used for myself. These help me sleep the best of anything I’ve tried. I fall asleep faster and stay asleep ALL NIGHT!

Green Compass Full Spectrum Nano Jellies – These also work amazingly. They knock me out really fast and put me into a DEEP sleep. If you want a really good, restorative deep sleep, these are for you.

Links (it means the world to my family when you use my links to shop!):

Earthley –

Cherry Juice –

Green Compass –

*the Green Compass link gets you $10 off your first order*

Help, I have mom brain!

Let’s talk about focus. My fellow mama friends know all about “pregnancy brain” which then turns into “mom brain”. We laugh and joke about it. But it can actually be pretty detrimental sometimes. When you can’t focus on anything and your brain is constantly jumping all over the place, you feel like you’re forgetting stuff all the time. It’s a lot.

But I know it’s not just moms who struggle with focus.

In a world buzzing with distractions, staying focused has become an increasingly daunting task for many of us. Whether it’s the incessant pings of notifications, the allure of social media, or simply the chaos of our own thoughts, maintaining concentration seems like an uphill battle. I, too, have wrestled with this struggle for years, feeling frustrated by my inability to stay on track and achieve my goals. However, amidst the chaos, I’ve discovered a solution that has transformed my ability to concentrate and reclaim my productivity.

The journey to finding this solution was not an easy one. Like many others, I found myself succumbing to the allure of multitasking, believing that I could juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and somehow emerge unscathed. Yet, as deadlines loomed and projects piled up, I realized that my fragmented attention was hindering rather than helping me. Procrastination became my constant companion, and the vicious cycle of distraction and guilt seemed never-ending.

It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of uncompleted tasks, that I knew something had to change. Determined to regain control of my focus, I embarked on a quest for solutions. I tried countless productivity hacks, which meant I spent way too much time scrolling Pinterest for answers, but nothing seemed to stick. Frustration threatened to engulf me as I despaired of ever finding a way out of the fog of distraction.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a ray of hope emerged. Through introspection and experimentation, I stumbled upon a couple of things that resonated with me in a profound way. They weren’t revolutionary techniques or a fancy new apps; rather, they were simple yet powerful additions to my daily routine: mindfulness and high quality, clean, organic, third party tested, safe C B D.

Now, I’m inspired to help others experience anything similar to what I have as it has changed my life. I’ve been sharing more information over in my wellness community – and I created this quiz to be able to help others get the perfect products to help them feel their absolute best –

You don’t have to walk through life distracted and stressed. I got you!

Safe Swaps for Melatonin

I’ve seen so many desperate mommas lately looking for help with either their sleep or their kids’ sleep. Anyone who knows me personally knows my 16 month old Willow has struggled with sleep since she was born. I also have never been a good sleeper with my biggest issue being falling asleep. Because of this, I’ve tried A LOT of safe sleep aid products for myself and Willow.

What I’ve used for the girls and/or myself:

Lavender Essential Oil – rolled on bottom of feet

Earthley’s Sleepy Time Tincture – dropped in mouth

Earthley’s Goodnight Lotion – rubbed on tummy and legs

Organic Tart Cherry Juice – consumed during the day

Epsom Salt baths before bed – in bath

Green Compass Sleep Boost – in belly button

Green Compass Sleep Jellies – consumed before bed (would recommend for age 3+ starting with 1/4 jelly)

My thoughts/experiences:

Lavender oil used on Willow & myself – Noticed no improvement

Earthley’s Sleepy Time Tincture – Noticed no improvement for Willow. Helps me fall and stay asleep but not the best thing I’ve tried. Helps Adeline fall and stay asleep.

Eathley’s Goodnight Lotion – Noticed no improvement for Willow. Adeline loves it for her growing pains.

Organic Tart Cherry Juice – Noticed no improvement for Willow.

Epsom Salt baths before bed – Noticed no improvement for sleeping but does help calm both kids and make bedtime routine a little easier.

Green Compass Sleep Boost – The FIRST thing that has genuinely improved Willow’s sleep. Since starting it she went from waking 4-5 times a night to 1-2 and sleeping 2-3 hour stretches to over 6! All the hallelujah hands for this one 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Green Compass Sleep Jellies – Only tried myself so far and they work amazingly. These help me fall and stay asleep the best of anything I’ve tried.

Links (it means the world to my family when you use my links to shop!):

$10 off Green Compass –

Cherry Juice –

Epsom Salt –

Earthley –

Let me know if you try any of these and how they work for you! And for more content like this, make sure you’re in my wellness community ->

Stay well!


Hydroquinone is a topical skin-lightening agent commonly used to treat skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, melasma, and certain types of dark spots. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color.

A nutrition company known for being clean and toxin free recently posted “Must have skincare ingredients” which is interesting because they don’t carry skincare and after seeing this post it’s clear that skincare is not in their wheelhouse. Which is fine, but maybe don’t share must have ingredients because one they shared, Hydroquinone, is very toxic…

A couple of benefits of Hydroquinone are:

  1. Effective Skin Lightening: Hydroquinone is considered one of the most effective ingredients for lightening dark spots and evening out skin tone.
  2. Treatment of Melasma: Melasma is a common skin condition that causes dark patches on the face. Hydroquinone is often prescribed to help fade these patches.

But… are the benefits worth the risks? 🧐

🥴 For me, it’s a hard no.

Check out this chart that compares Hydroquinone with Crunchi’s Brightening Complex Technology and let me know your thoughts below!

Like what you see here? Make sure to join my clean living community over on Facebook!

We have an awesome promo coming this week for anyone who is ready to detox their makeup and/or skincare, info will be shared in the Facebook group!

Vitamin C!

We’re digging into some Vitamin C info this month!

Vitamin C offers tonssss of skin benefits, making it a highly sought-after ingredient in skincare products 😍

Let’s talk about some of its key benefits:

1. Powerful Antioxidant: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and damage to the skin. This protection can help prevent premature aging and maintain a youthful appearance. 🤩

2. Collagen Synthesis: Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen production, a protein responsible for maintaining the skin’s structure and elasticity. By promoting collagen synthesis, vitamin C can help improve skin firmness and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 💁‍♀️

3. Skin Brightening: Vitamin C inhibits melanin production, making it effective in reducing the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. It can also impart a radiant and more luminous complexion. 🥰

4. UV Protection: While not a substitute for sunscreen, vitamin C has been shown to offer some level of photo-protection by neutralizing free radicals generated by UV exposure. 🌞

5. Wound Healing: Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, crucial for wound healing and tissue repair. It can help accelerate the healing process and improve the overall appearance of scars. 🤓

6. Hydration and Moisture Retention: Vitamin C can help improve the skin’s moisture barrier and enhance its ability to retain moisture, leading to better hydration and softer skin. 💧

7. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm and soothe irritated or red skin, making it beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like acne. 😘

8. Protection Against Environmental Stressors: By neutralizing free radicals caused by pollution and other environmental stressors, vitamin C helps protect the skin from damage and maintain its overall health. 🤗

So, incorporating vitamin C into your skincare routine can contribute to healthier, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin! I must add that the effectiveness of vitamin C can vary depending on its form (not all vitamin C is created equal!) concentration, and the overall formulation of the skincare product.

Need a recommendation for a safe Vitamin C product? Just let me know!

Like what you see here and want more low-tox info? My wellness community is my main hub for all things clean living!

Detox your makeup/skincare bag today!

I don’t normally do posts like this, but I know some of you may be reading my posts and are thinking about swapping out products in your life. My favorite thing to help with is makeup and skincare!

Over in my wellness group on Facebook,we are just $250 away from maxing out our July reward link and someone getting a free facial essence and up to 5 half priced products!


Shop here –

New clients get $10 off $50+ as well!

Check out some life changing before and afters below to see what can happen when you ditch the toxic and start using products full of skin loving, clean ingredients 🙂

Toxin Free Summer Vacay

A lot of people are taking vacations right now and while it’s harder to maintain a healthy and low tox lifestyle while away from home, it’s not impossible. Having a toxin-free summer vacation is a great way to prioritize your health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  1. Choose a Natural Destination: Opt for vacation spots that are known for their natural beauty, such as national parks, forests, or beaches with clean water. Avoid areas with heavy pollution or known environmental hazards.
  2. Research Accommodations: Look for accommodations that promote sustainability and use eco-friendly practices. Check if they have non-toxic cleaning products, organic bedding, and natural ventilation systems.
  3. Pack Your Own Toxin-Free Products: Bring your own toiletries and personal care products that are free from harmful chemicals. Look for organic, natural, and biodegradable alternatives for items like sunscreen, insect repellent, shampoo, and soap. I will link some of my faves at the bottom of this post 🙂
  4. Stay Hydrated with Clean Water: Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it with filtered or purified water to avoid consuming water from potentially contaminated sources. This helps reduce your exposure to toxins and minimizes plastic waste. You can also get filtration water bottles, I will link one below.
  5. Eat Organic and Local Foods: Seek out local farmers’ markets or organic food stores to buy fresh produce and ingredients for your meals. Choose organic options to reduce your exposure to pesticides, hormones, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). I’ll be heading to Florida next week and my roomies and I will be making a Publix run when we get in to stock up on healthy foods to have in our hotel room.
  6. Avoid Fast Food and Processed Snacks: Steer clear of fast food chains and heavily processed snacks, as they often contain artificial additives, preservatives, and unhealthy trans fats. Opt for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits, nuts, or homemade snacks. I love eating out on trips but I always try to find the healthiest options and avoid fast food at all costs.
  7. Embrace Natural Sun Protection: Shield your skin from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothing that covers your arms and legs. Use a non-toxic mineral-based sunscreen (linked below) and wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  8. Choose Non-Toxic Activities: Engage in outdoor activities that don’t involve exposure to harmful substances. Instead of renting motorized watercraft, try kayaking, paddleboarding, or hiking. Avoid activities like smoking or being in proximity to secondhand smoke.
  9. Minimize Plastic Waste: Reduce your use of single-use plastics by bringing your own reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and food containers. Dispose of any waste responsibly and recycle whenever possible.
  10. Connect with Nature: Spend quality time in nature by hiking, swimming, or simply enjoying the outdoors. Research shows that spending time in green spaces can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall well-being.

Remember, the key is to make conscious choices that prioritize your health and the environment. By implementing these tips, you can have a toxin-free and eco-friendly summer vacation without skimping on the fun!

Helpful Links:

Facial SPF –


Insect Repellant (just search “insect”) –

Shampoo/Conditioner –

Charcoal Body Bar –

Makeup/Skincare –

Filter Water Bottle –

Embrace Youthful, Radiant Skin!

We all desire to look and feel our best, regardless of our age. While aging is a natural process that brings wisdom and experience, it can also take a toll on our skin. That’s why incorporating anti-aging skincare into your routine is essential. It is generally recommended to start using anti-aging products in your mid-20s or early 30s. This is because, while signs of aging may not be immediately visible at this age, using anti-aging products can help to prevent and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging as you get older. So, let’s chat about the importance of anti-aging skincare and why it’s worth investing your time and effort into maintaining youthful, radiant skin.

  1. Slowing Down the Aging Process: Anti-aging skincare helps slow down the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots. It aims to preserve the elasticity, firmness, and overall health of your skin. By following a consistent anti-aging skincare routine, you can proactively address these concerns and maintain a more youthful appearance.
  2. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem: Taking care of your skin not only improves its health but also enhances your confidence and self-esteem. When your skin looks and feels good, you radiate positivity and feel more comfortable in your own skin. A youthful, glowing complexion can boost your self-assurance and make you feel more vibrant and empowered.
  3. Preventing Future Damage: Anti-aging skincare is not just about reversing the signs of aging; it’s also about preventing future damage. By incorporating preventive measures into your routine, such as sun protection and antioxidant-rich products, you can minimize the impact of environmental factors, such as UV rays, pollution, and free radicals. Prevention is key to maintaining healthy, youthful skin in the long run.
  4. Nurturing Skin Health: Anti-aging skincare is not solely focused on aesthetics; it also prioritizes the overall health of your skin. A well-rounded routine includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and nourishing your skin with essential vitamins and nutrients. By providing your skin with the care it needs, you promote its resilience, hydration, and natural rejuvenation processes.
  5. Personalized Skincare Approach: Anti-aging skincare is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual has unique skin concerns, preferences, and goals. That’s why it’s important to personalize your skincare routine based on your specific needs. Whether you’re targeting fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or loss of elasticity, tailor your regimen by selecting products with appropriate ingredients and formulations that address your specific concerns. I’m here to help with this!

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to anti-aging skincare. Results may not appear overnight, but with dedication and patience, you can achieve long-term benefits. Embrace the importance of anti-aging skincare as a self-care practice, and invest in yourself by nurturing and cherishing your skin. Let your radiant, youthful glow shine through!

To get $10 off my favorite toxin free anti- aging products ->

To get a personalized skincare recommendation take this quiz ->

To chat with me directly message me here -> or send me an email ->