Help, I have mom brain!

Let’s talk about focus. My fellow mama friends know all about “pregnancy brain” which then turns into “mom brain”. We laugh and joke about it. But it can actually be pretty detrimental sometimes. When you can’t focus on anything and your brain is constantly jumping all over the place, you feel like you’re forgetting stuff all the time. It’s a lot.

But I know it’s not just moms who struggle with focus.

In a world buzzing with distractions, staying focused has become an increasingly daunting task for many of us. Whether it’s the incessant pings of notifications, the allure of social media, or simply the chaos of our own thoughts, maintaining concentration seems like an uphill battle. I, too, have wrestled with this struggle for years, feeling frustrated by my inability to stay on track and achieve my goals. However, amidst the chaos, I’ve discovered a solution that has transformed my ability to concentrate and reclaim my productivity.

The journey to finding this solution was not an easy one. Like many others, I found myself succumbing to the allure of multitasking, believing that I could juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and somehow emerge unscathed. Yet, as deadlines loomed and projects piled up, I realized that my fragmented attention was hindering rather than helping me. Procrastination became my constant companion, and the vicious cycle of distraction and guilt seemed never-ending.

It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of uncompleted tasks, that I knew something had to change. Determined to regain control of my focus, I embarked on a quest for solutions. I tried countless productivity hacks, which meant I spent way too much time scrolling Pinterest for answers, but nothing seemed to stick. Frustration threatened to engulf me as I despaired of ever finding a way out of the fog of distraction.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a ray of hope emerged. Through introspection and experimentation, I stumbled upon a couple of things that resonated with me in a profound way. They weren’t revolutionary techniques or a fancy new apps; rather, they were simple yet powerful additions to my daily routine: mindfulness and high quality, clean, organic, third party tested, safe C B D.

Now, I’m inspired to help others experience anything similar to what I have as it has changed my life. I’ve been sharing more information over in my wellness community – and I created this quiz to be able to help others get the perfect products to help them feel their absolute best –

You don’t have to walk through life distracted and stressed. I got you!